Pork & Chives Dumplings - Top Dumplings
Place: Top Dumplings
Location: Top Ryde food court
Price: $10.20 (usually $12 but Top Ryde staff discount)

It smelt incredible making me want to devour it straight
away for lunch, taking my first bites the combination of the pork and chives
was perfect, with the dumpling texture also good. The dumplings were quite
large and were packed full of juice and meat. Initially I was wondering how
this will fill me up but surprisingly as I was getting to my last 2 dumplings I
was feeling quite full. The service was quick and only took less than 5 minutes
for them to made. The food court was also fairly quiet adding to make whole
experience for lunch enjoyable. With this I believe it deserves a 4/5 rating.
*Photo taken by me*
Signing off - Tom
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